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Revolutionary Science Unveiled by 2023 Nobel Laureates: The Power of Attosecond Lasers

On the evening of October 3, 2023, the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2023 was officially announced, and three distinguished scientists were honored for their outstanding contributions to the field of attosecond laser technology. Attosecond lasers, named after their unique time scale, the attosecond (attosecond), represent an incredibly small unit of time, equivalent to one billionth of one billionth of a second.


Attosecond: The Minuscule Scale of Time

To grasp the uniqueness of attosecond lasers, it's essential to understand what an attosecond is. An attosecond is a minuscule unit of time, representing one billionth of one billionth of a second. If one second were likened to a towering mountain, an attosecond would be akin to a grain of sand at its base. In such a brief span of time, even light can only traverse the dimensions of an atom. This extremely short time scale allows us to observe and comprehend the rapid movements of electrons within atoms and molecules, as well as their interactions. In essence, attosecond laser technology provides scientists with a tool to peer into the ultrafast dynamics of the microcosm, much like slow-motion playback in a movie.


Characteristics of Attosecond Lasers


Attosecond lasers are ultrafast lasers with extremely short pulse durations, typically on the order of attoseconds. This enables them to generate exceptionally high peak power. Although the energy of an individual attosecond laser pulse may not be substantial, its ultra-short duration results in an extraordinarily high peak power. This characteristic makes attosecond lasers uniquely advantageous when studying the rapid dynamic processes of the microcosm.


Classification of Attosecond Lasers

To understand where attosecond lasers stand within the laser family, we can categorize lasers based on various criteria. Firstly, lasers can be classified by their wavelength into categories such as ultraviolet lasers, visible lasers, and infrared lasers. Attosecond lasers typically operate in the ultraviolet to soft X-ray wavelength range, which means they have shorter wavelengths than conventional lasers. Secondly, lasers can be categorized by their output mode into continuous-wave lasers and pulsed lasers, with attosecond lasers falling into the latter category due to their extremely short pulse durations. Additionally, lasers can be classified by their power into low-power, medium-power, and high-power lasers. Attosecond lasers achieve high peak power due to their ultra-short pulse durations.


Applications of Attosecond Lasers

Attosecond lasers find their primary applications in scientific research, particularly in the fields of physics and chemistry, where they are used to investigate ultrafast dynamic processes in the microcosm. In physics, attosecond lasers allow researchers to observe and control the motion of electrons within atoms and molecules, studying their interactions. In the realm of chemistry, they aid scientists in understanding chemical reactions between molecules. Furthermore, attosecond lasers hold potential applications in materials science, biology, and medical research, offering researchers an unprecedented tool to explore the mysteries of the microcosm.


Principles of Attosecond Laser Generation

The generation of attosecond lasers relies on a technique known as high harmonic generation (HHG). Initially, a high-intensity femtosecond (10^-15 second) laser pulse is focused onto a gas target. Under the influence of the strong laser field, electrons of gas atoms are temporarily freed from their atomic nuclei, entering a state of free electrons. As the laser field oscillates, these electrons return and recombine with the atomic nuclei, creating new high-energy states. During this process, electrons move at extremely high speeds, and upon recombination with the nuclei, they release additional energy in the form of high harmonics.


The frequencies of these newly generated high-energy photons are integer multiples of the original laser frequency, forming high harmonics. To obtain attosecond lasers, specific high harmonics are filtered and focused, concentrating them at a single point. If necessary, pulse compression techniques can be applied to further shorten the pulse duration to the attosecond level. This intricate process demands a high level of technical expertise and advanced equipment.


Through these concise explanations, we aim to enhance understanding of the significance and potential of attosecond laser technology, as well as its extensive applications in scientific research. The development of attosecond lasers unlocks the mysteries of the microcosm and offers vast possibilities for future scientific research and technological innovations.

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Original Article Source: LaserFair 激光制造网



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